Re-arrange PDF Pages - How? (Margin Note 3 - iPad)


I imported a blank pdf page, I then added 6 blank pages to it (via the margin note 3 feature of adding pages) Total of 7 pages.

After I finished adding data onto these pages, I noticed my 7th page, needs to be in the 3rd page position.

I would like to rearrange this, by just dragging the 7th page to the 3rd page position. Easy.

Unfortunately, its seems margin note 3 for ios, does not offer a way for us to re-arrange pages? (or I can’t seem to find it, if there is a way) Please advise. Thank You.

I would love this function, also.

I figured it out, but it’s unintuitive and clumsy, extremely bad from a UX standpoint.

I have no idea why it was implemented in this awkward way, but basically this is how it’s done:

  1. While on the page, that you want to rearrange it’s page position, Tap on the pen icon

  2. tap on the 3 dots on top right

  3. Look for Insert/remove pdf pages, then choose it.

  4. upon choosing insert/remove pdf pages, you will see up & down. (this is how page rearrangement is done)

  5. Depending if you want to move this page from 3 to 4, choose up, to go back, choose down.


We are very sorry for this inconvenience. There are certain UX improvements that we could make to make our software more easy-to-use. Thank you for sharing this tip on our forum. We will be trying to both improve our UX and UI and publish an easy-to-read user manual ASAP.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

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Thank you.

I just want to say, I LOVE margin note 3 → it’s a god send!

It may be clumsy in this little area of page rearrangement, but this app is a MASTER…

In helping us study faster, retain knowledge faster.

Happy New Year!


Thank you so much for your fondness for our app. Happy new year as well.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

You can use the WPS PDF all-in-one tool to organize PDF online. With this tool, you can add, delete, and rearrange PDF pages with just a few clicks.

Hi there,

Unfortunately, there is no way to drag and drop pages to rearrange them in MarginNote 3 for iOS. However, there is a workaround:

  1. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the document.
  2. Select “Insert/Remove PDF pages”.
  3. Tap on the “Up” or “Down” button next to the page you want to move.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the page is in the desired position.
  5. Tap on “Done”.

This workaround is a bit cumbersome, but it is the only way to rearrange pages in MarginNote 3 for iOS at this time.

The developers of MarginNote have stated that they are aware of this limitation and are working on a solution. However, there is no timeline for when this solution will be available. Or you can easily rearrange your pdf files online from this website.

In the meantime, I hope this workaround is helpful.

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