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Let’s look at how MarginNote 3 can help you learn more efficiently.

The first level. master the structure outline of a book

Method 1: Classify books

  • First of all, we must know which type of book we are reading? In MarginNote 3, we can use the folder or label to classify books.

Method 2: Organize the structure

  • A good book must have a complete set of logic. With MarginNote 3, using excerpt tools to sort out notes and create a mind map provides users a fantastic way to understand the structure of the book.

Method 3: Interpret author’s point of view

  • A certain sentence may express multiple meanings, or it may be associated with other places in the previous article. By excerpting notes with MarginNote 3, it will be an unforgettable experience. MarginNote 3 will create cards for each of your excerpts, and allow you to add comments freely, such as handwritten comments, voice comments, and photo comments.

The second level. Interpret the content of a Book

Method 4: Refine words and sentences

Method 5: Associate relevant sentences and organize ideas

  • When reading, we often find some related parts of the book, either an answer to the previous question, or a detailed description to the previous concept. It is difficult for us to put these two parts together in paper books. However, MarginNote 3 will meet all your needs and more, you can easily link different parts of the notes and finally make a clear mind map.

Method 6: Keep reviewing

  • Review is indispensable if you intend to get a command of knowledge. MarginNote 3 provides users with a powerful review function, where we can review different content by creating different card decks .
    Anyway, MarginNote 3 will regularly remind users to review, enhancing your efficiency gradually.

The Third level. comment on a book