Shortcuts for new sibling note and new child note don't work

The shortcuts for adding a new sibling note (pressing ‘enter’) or a new child note (pressing ‘tab’) do not work on my Mac. Sometimes they work but most of the time they don’t. Despite attempting to restart the app, the issue persists. Is there a solution to fix this problem?



Can it be solved under restart?

Kind Regards,

Support Team

I tried, but it cannot be solved by just restarting the app. Do you mean restarting my computer?


You can try it.

Kind Regards,

Support Team

Yes restarting my computer works, but this issue happens quite frequently, which means I may need to restart my computer every time I encounter the issue. Are there any other ways to solve it? or should I change any settings on my Mac?


Can you see if the input focus runs into the outline?

Kind Regards,

Support Team

What does “input focus” mean? I restarted my computer 20 minutes ago, and it worked, but now the issue is here again :((


It is the location of text input. You can open the outline and enter the following text.

Kind Regards,

Support Team

When I type something in the note card, it appears in the outline on the left, but only after I stop editing the note card. Do you think there are any issues with the outline settings? I don’t usually open the outline or write in it.


That may be a bug. If there is a problem, you can try to enter the text in the card, exit it, and then use tab.

Kind Regards,

Support Team

Exit the card after editing it does not seem to solve the issue…The shortcuts still aren’t working.


OK, let‘s observe what it is easy to have this problem after doing it.

Kind Regards,

Support Team

  1. Verify Keyboard Shortcuts:Go to Preferences > General > Keyboard Shortcuts and ensure “Create Sibling Note” and “Create Child Note” have the desired key combinations assigned.

  2. System Preferences and App Conflicts:Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and make sure there are no global shortcuts assigned to “Enter” or “Tab” that conflict with DEVONagent’s.

  3. Application Conflicts and Permissions:Ensure DEVONagent has full access to keyboard input under System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility.

  4. Application Cache and Reinstallation:Try clearing DEVONagent’s cache by quitting the app, deleting the “DEVONagent Pro” folder in “Library/Application Support,” and then relaunching the app.

  5. Contact DEVONtechnologies Support: