Still no export to markdown

Perhaps I’m just missing something obvious (or, given the chaos that is MN’s UX, not so obvious) but it seems we still lack the ability to export our study sets as markdown.

Markdown is arguably one of the more popular formats for personal knowledge work these days. The popularity of Obsidian and other markdown-centric tools is reason enough to support it as an export format.

I’m well aware that we can export into an intermediary format and copy/paste/import from there, but having to do so seems archaic and unnecessary. We still have “Evernote” export which is a note taking system that I know many have abandoned in light of so many less expensive and more “local” systems.

Is markdown study set export on the horizon? Please say its so. Currently, MarginNote sits like an island in my workflow. A very useful island, but one in which I have to go to extra lengths to integrate into a much broader workflow. Philosophically, I wish MarginNote would stop seeing themselves as the centre of the universe and become a tool that plays well with others.

This is just another in the long line of requests that include compatible PDF exports, sharing of MN information, and more. Please consider broadening your horizons. Maybe version 5?

Oh, and while I’m here, why the heck do you not have tooltips on the many unintuitive icons? I have to re-learn MN all over again and tooltips would go a long way to making this easier.

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Can you please explain your needs and usage scenarios with screenshots? This is more conducive to our understanding of your needs! Thank you!

Kind Regards,

Support Team

Markdown is rather ubiquitous in the PKM arena. My specific case is hardly relevant with such ubiquity is it not?

Edit: I understand that my situation is very niche and extremely simple. MN serves one purpose for me: a way to quickly read and excerpt from source material in a way that allows me to organise excerpted material hierarchically (MN is super good at this!). I then want to take that hierarchical information into Obsidian for synthesis.

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Actually, I have the exact same need of exporting to markdown.

I use Export to DevonThink in MN3 as a workaround for the moment. It’s simple to then convert the exported rtf files to markdown (eg in DevonThink or another third party application).

Unfortunately Export to DevonThink is no longer available in MN4, so this requires exporting a temporary backup of the study set (without documents) from mn4 to mn3.

In any case, a big +1 for enabling direct export of mindmap contents as individual markdown documents.



Received your suggestion, has been recorded, thank you very much!

Kind Regards,

Support Team


Indeed. Also, iThoughts can export to markdown as well so it serves as a midpoint.

Thanks for the thoughts.

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