Stop zooming out when downloading(importing) documents from the research browser

I usually work with relatively large size mind maps.
Therefore after zooming out it’s difficult to find the the last worked location on mind map.
This is very annoying when someone has to download many documents from the research browser.

What is the purpose of this zooming out. If you realize this zooming out is useless I hope it will have prevented in next update. Simple work.

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What is the purpose of this zooming out?
I usually work with relatively large size mind maps.
Therefore after zooming out it’s difficult to find the the last worked location on mind map.

It always prevents me downloading of pdf using this amazing research browser.
Please think again.

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Any response?
@Support-Team @QSD_Support-Team @Relight_Support-Team @Edward_Support-Team

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Any response?
@Support-Team @QSD_Support-Team @Relight_Support-Team @Edward_Support-Team


sorry,i can't get you .may be you can give me more information.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Hi, please watch the video.


sorry .

this zooming out is auto?when you drop something from reserach ,zoom out will be start?

I'm going to boldly speculate and rule out the wrong situation. Is it possible that the finger may touch by mistake? Please try to use the Apple Pencil to drag and drop information and check whether there will be amplification problem

Kind Regards,
Support Team