Synchronise real-time recorded audio with the written text

Precisely similar to how Notability does this. Real-time recorded audio should be synchronised with the written hand written text as well as typed text. During play-back, this will enable playing audio to be cued by clicking on the relevant text at the relevant position. This works properly during recording meeting minutes or in the lecture class.

This should indeed be added as an essential functionality.


Are you suggesting a similar function to Notability?

This is indeed much useful for playback. Our developer team will discuss it.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Let us make MarginNote the best in the market, it’s already unique and very useful and powerful. I am a Senior Business Systems Analyst for a big Telecommunication company and we already finding MarginNote useful already. All what we need is to strengthen its real-time text, audio and video capturing capabilities and also add a little bit of after-time functionalities. This will take a piece of a pie from Notability, GoodNote and Liquid Text market.

β‡’ Real-time capturing 1) Exactly like Notability indeed, Synchronising real-time audio with hand written and typed text will enable MarginNote to start becoming usable/useful in real-time during meetings and as well as during lecture/class time. Also, because people are working from home, please make sure when you add this feature to be also capable to record a real-time Microsoft Teams meetings too, in both Audio and Video that’s being presented during that online meeting. During, playback, this should be in sync with hand written text and typed text during the meeting together in sync with visual presentation video as well.

β‡’ After-time manipulation 2) Exactly similar to how Liquid Text does the linking, Linking text in PDF and written text in Mind-map node is required. This will enable to later just press on that linked text of Mind-map to bring the linked text of PDF and vice-versa. This ability can be seen demonstrated very well by Liquid-text app. This feature is one of the best in Liquid-Text app during studying and looking for relevant linked text on the other side between PDF and Mind-map node text and vice-versa. This linking can also be done to a picture/diagram existing in PDF to a picture existing in Mind-map node (this must be able to link text and picture/digram and/or picture/diagram to text). This linking should also happen in text to text within the same PDF and also from text in a PDF to another text in a different pdf/document in document split. Similarly in text to text within Mind-map node and to another Mind-map node. See how the linking is done in Liquid Text.

β‡’ After-time PDF manipulation 3) Exactly similar to how Liquid-Text can shrink to only show highlighted sections of the PDF, after highlighting both diagrams and text within PDF, let us have MarginNote be able to shrink the PDF and shows only the highlighted sections of the PDF. This enables the user to get rig of unnecessary text and sections on the PDF but only shows the highlighted important sections of the PDF. This makes the user/leaner only focuses on what matters on PDF.

β‡’ Usability functionality for both Real-time and After-time 4) Exactly similar to how Apple Notes and Notability fixes shapes, let us have MarginNote recognises basic shapes and fix them such as arrows. See how Apple Notes does this.

β‡’ PDF locations and Annotations 5) Exactly similar to how Final Cut treats files because they are big, let us have MarginNote allowing the user to choose whether to include the file inside MarginNote or leave it where its located within iCloud folder during PDF import. Others like us, who have plenty of PDFs already neatly located in folders per different Projects, we would like to have our PDF files remain located in their folders within iCloud but MarginNotes will just manipulate the file without physically importing it inside MarginNotes, if the user chooses not to import the file into MarginNotes, MarginNotes will then ask the user to choose whether to affects/embed the annotations such as color highlights and hand written annotations on the original PDF file or not. This would make MarginNote file becoming small as opposed to having a big MarginNote file which will later slow down the Perfomance of the application. iPadOS and iOS will then follow accordingly because they also share the same iCloud. If the user now wants to export copy MarginNotes file, MarginNote will then inform/prompts the user of the linked documents which are not inside MarginNote to choose whether to simply now includes/bundle to MarginNote file. This way will also ensure for Perfomance optimisation that MarginNote functions fast and fluently.

β‡’ Future version of MarginNote 6) We constantly finding ourselves converting our MS Office files to PDF which courses a duplication of files in our iCloud Drive, it would be awesome for future if MarginNote would also recognise and imports MS Word, MS Powerpoint and as well as MS Excel. Users will then be capable to amend the Word document and Powerpoint within MarginNote, and the remotely located original Office file is directly amend accordingly (obviously the function of choosing whether to affect the original file would be there)



I don't know how to describe this - No word is enough to express my thanks to your sincere support and suggestions to MarginNote.

There are many things you mentioned, that we currently have a plan and are trying to achieve.

For the others, I personally reckon many valuable suggestions, and I am currently drafting a list to summarise your ideas for our developer team to see.

Thank you so much again for your support.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

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