Thank you for the update

I know there are many issues being sent here, but I just wanted to say thank you for releasing the new version! I was so hyped when got that message after checking the app update. Still haven’t tested it that much and can’t use on macOS yet because mine isn’t the App Store version.
Anyways, thanks a lot for releasing it! Everyone that was concerned with the lack of updates now should be more comfortable and I can still recommend it to all of my friends.
If I can provide some feedback, that plugin would be a welcome feature within the app: 【MN Third-Party Addon】Better experience for exporting, citing. Forked from CopySearch made by ourongxing
I use url scheme with x-callback on MN3, would love to have a similar feature on MN4


I’ll second the thank you.

I had PREVIOUSLY dropped MarginNote from my workflow because the system was too “closed” for my needs. The exports of my notes were funky and I needed to find a system that was less dependent on that tool.

I got through a thesis without the use of MarginNote and am about to embark on some new work and the upgrade was timed nearly perfectly with this new endeavour. I had forgotten just how much fun it was to read in MarginNote and organise things in a mind map as I read.

My current system (without MarginNote) allows me to keep full citation information from source to final work fairly fluidly. It involves some copy/pasting but at least it works. I’m wondering if I can’t use some of my learnings to incorporate my reference manager into MarginNote in the same way I’ve incorporated it into my DevonThink-Obsidian study stack.

I know what I’m going to spend my summer doing :slight_smile: how to reincorporate MarginNote into my study workflow.

I don’t know why this is being flagged. I’m enjoying the MarginNote upgrade and I’m working on integrating it into my workflow by connecting the notes with citation methods. Maybe that was misunderstood.

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