Hello, I found that whenever I use the “Research” function to translate the text with Google, it always translate to English. I select Traditional Chinese every time and when I highlight another text it turns back to English. This doesn’t happen on iPad. It is super annoying, any suggestions?
Sorry, it depends on the default language of Google and we can't change it. The default language may relate to your region and system language.
Kind Regards,
Support Team
Actually, I believe it has everything to do with the URL that MarginNote is sending to Google Translate. MarginNote is probably reading the system language and forcing that language on to Google Translate.
Google Translate itself saves cookies that remember the last language translated to. If MN were to send a url like:
https://translate.google.com/?text={queried text}
then google translate would use whatever was last used by that user (assuming one is signed into google). This is far preferred since the user can set whatever they want (including detect language in the source language menu) and it will be remembered.
As it is, MN is sending
https://translate.google.com/m/translate?hl=en&op=translate&sl=auto&tl=en&text={queried text}
and is probably getting the “en” from the system settings. It doesn’t need to do this and in fact should probably just use the user’s google translate settings by default by sending the simpler URL above. At least then the user does have some control over how translation is happening.
I do agree with what @happycatmachine said. The URL MN is sending for the translation did a bit too much.
However, it is quite strange that this works fine on the iPad version. The iPad version is also sending same URL request with all the parameters. Both the iPad and my Mac has the same region and system language setting. I didn’t log in Google inside MN for the translation. But the Mac version just have different behaviour.
P.S. I’ve tried to log in Google on the Mac version but that doesn’t help.
@Support-Team Please help to look into the problem.
I’ve found the same problem on the iPad. Hmm, I wonder why it works on yours but not mine. Will do some double checking. Cheers.
I just double checked mine. It doesn’t work too actually. It just happen that it always change back to Traditional Chinese in my case so I didn’t notice. Changing to other language would revert back to Traditional Chinese. My Region setting on iPad is Hong Kong, iPad language set to English (UK) and English is also the first at the preferred language order. My Mac has the same settings.
Thank you so much! It's an excellent suggestion. Although we cannot assure a specific time it will be realize, we will work on it in the following updates,
Kind Regards,
Support Team