Upgrade problem mn3 to mn4 (macos)

A couple of months ago I purchased the third version of the application for ipad and macos. On the tablet I updated to the fourth version - everything is ok, but on macos the problem arose during the initial launch, I chose the discount option, but it so happened that there was not enough money on the linked card, and after replenishment the update did not take place. I am attaching screenshots of the problem.

@Support-Team can you help me?

Today’s update did not lead to anything, the error remains the same, I cannot use version 4.

When will you fix it?

ru: Обновления выходят, а проблема как была так и осталась, не решается. Обращения в тех.поддержку на почту так же никакого ответа не дали.

en: Updates are coming out, but the problem remains the same and is not solved. Contacting technical support by email also did not give any response.

Самая интересное, что приобрел mn3 на iPad Pro и Macos полные версии, буквально за месяц до выхода mn4.

Как достучаться до тех.поддержки?

@Support-Team will there be support or not?

@shdenis have you got this problem sorted?