URL-Links not working properly

I have the problem that clicking a MN-URL will only open the correct document and location the very first first try of a session. After that any other MN-URL will just take me back to the the same note over and over again. So if I want to use an URL to go to a specific note I have to restart MN first each time. Is that a known Problem?


Hello, is it convenient to record a video

Kind Regards,
Support Team

As you can see when I try to click the link it does nothing (should jump to the note located below the selected one), even though the URL is correct. It only works the first time after a restart. The problem doesn’t occur on iPad, so it seems to be an issue on MacOS


您好,如果是通过MarginNote导出的URL ,来回溯到正文或卡片的话,我这里是没有问题的呢,您看看您有打开自动定位到脑图与文档吗?您是最新的3718版本吗

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Hi, I have all auto-locate options enabled. I also have the newest version installed (3.7.18). The locating still does not work except once after a fresh restart of MN.

Edit: Okay it seems to be a problem connected to obsidian. The links continue to work correctly when clicked in other apps for example Notes, Word etc. Do you know what the issue could be? I will contact obsidian support as well


Hello, I use it normally in obsidian. May it be related to your installation of relevant plug-ins?

Kind Regards,
Support Team