Very disappointing sync

All my handwriting and documents that i have made on my mac suddenly just disappeared!!! The SYNC IS NOT WORKING AT ALL… It kept pages that i added but all my handwriting and text is GONE!! I’M VERY DISAPPOINTED.

It’s so annoying. I am new to this application for my graduation study. Whatever, things will get better :slight_smile:

I had the same problems syncing with Mac and iPad and yesterday I decided to go back to MN3… I think MN4 is still in a beta stage.

I’m working between a laptop, iPad and iPhone. Given a modicum of time between the three I’ve experienced little lag. Things seem to work fine but I use just a few documents at a time and eventually move my notes to DevonThink and Obsidian so I guess those who rely on MN as a singular tool might experience more problems than I do. I’m so sorry for those who have issues sometimes.