When we making a new node on mind map, it should be a comment not a title

Only if we add a second comment to the first comment, the first comment converts to a title.

There are two disadvantages of making a title first rather a comment-

  1. We can’t change the font size, bold etc.
  2. Can’t make spaces between sentences by hitting enter button.



I will submit your request. While I find some alternative way to solve your problem. The add-on OhMyMN can batch convert the position of comments and titles (https://bbs.marginnote.cn/t/topic/20501). However, it's still in Chinese, we are now trying to translate it to English. If you are interested in it, you could temporarily understand the user document(https://busiyi.notion.site/busiyi/ohmymn-wiki-74ac16d09d17420391b8ffb0dd8cab01) through software translation.

Now let me help you to solve your problem by using the add-on.

1. install the add-on: https://bbs.marginnote.cn/uploads/short-url/qxGGlaBsyi1HQbe3j0M8TYB1epQ.mnaddon

2. select all those cards you want to convert

3. tap on "切换摘录或标题" and select "常规相互切换". Then you will find the title is now becoming a comment.


Kind Regards,
Support Team

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Thanks for it bryan. I tried it.
But it consumes much time to do this procedure every time.
What if you make a setting to set by the user to first node to be a comment or title.

Another request😊
Please could you guys translate this OHMYMN extension to English soon.



I think it's possible to make it by using add-on, as we have already had AUTOTITLE, which can automatically convert comment to title. By the way, we will translate some interesting adds-on these days.

Kind Regards,
Support Team


Thanks guys, I can’t wait to finally see those interesting Chinese add-ons translated into English! :slight_smile:

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