Adding annotations to card comments
Document module → selected note
→ Click the icon on the far left of the toolbar to open the card editor
The entire process gif
In the studying module → select the card
→ Click the icon on the far left of the toolbar to open the card editor
→ Click the ** mark ** icon in the lower left corner to add handwritten content
The entire process gif
The mark icon
In the studying module → under the document interface → select notes
→ Click the icon on the far left of the toolbar to open the card editor
→ Click the “mark “ icon in the lower left corner to add handwritten content
The entire process gif
Add annotations to pictures in comments:
In the learning module → under the document interface → select notes
→ Click the icon on the far left of the toolbar to open the card editor
→ Click on the picture in the comment and select “Mark” to add handwritten content
Same function as callout icon
The entire process gif