@Lanco_Support-Team, thanks for your detailed responses.
(1) I will wait for the fix to italic support. To be clear, I’m wondering about italic support in the desktop version of MarginNote. It shows italics when I change emphasis from the menu, but it doesn’t stick (see image, below). This was supposedly fixed, but it’s still broken. You say: should be fixed in the “next version” — this means 3.6.16, or…?
(2) Regarding the API documentation for MarginNote addons, I don’t understand the target you mention. You say it’s “already” released, but “translating soon”…? What is your target release date?
FWIW, I also have 20+ years of experience working on API documentation and I know that this is the easiest form of technical writing. Please understand: I’m not trying to boast here. My point is just that I know what this work actually involves — it’s simply not hard for a competent technical writer —, and so I would appreciate a specific target date from you.
(3) Regarding the problem with hyphens: batch conversion is only a hack, not a real solution. MarginNote can and should handle this internally. I have already made several suggestions about how to do this using external scripts, but there still needs to be some integration with MN. If you feel that using the new API is the best way, that seems fine by me — as long as I don’t have to read your API documentation and write my own JavaScript to do it. Again, this should be something that MarginNote handles itself, either in the app or with a simple addon. You mentioned “next version” for this support — so does this mean 3.6.16, or…?
(4) Regarding MN folders and categories, @jprint has given you lots of good feedback. Basically, I agree with his concerns and general list of items to address. He’s given this a lot of thought and taken time to spell out the issues, so I feel that he (and I, and @JournoProf, and other users) would appreciate a more detailed response to his query in that thread.
That is: which specific features on the list by @jprint are you considering for 4.0? What general time frame do you anticipate for the release? E.g., within 3 months? 6 or 9 months? Could some of the issues be addressed sooner? How are you prioritizing these issues?
To avoid a repeat of the communication problems over the past few months, I think it would help if you could be specific about dates.
(5) Regarding the Japanese version, yes, I would be willing to look a little, but after some of these long-outstanding issues have been resolved.
As I see it, the core functionality of MarginNote is what needs the most attention. I have mentioned the main issues that I see — mostly they are small things —, and @jprint has offered an even better list. The localization of the app (e.g., to Japanese) doesn’t really matter to me if the core functionality is lacking and never gets fixed.