I recognize that no one tool does all things for a user. I use MarginNote to easily make notes on PDFs. But to use that information effectively in my work I need to export the information and import it into other apps, such as Tinderbox (after I first import MarginNote-created files to iThoughts X, and then export them in an OPML format for Tinderbox to use).
However, if I make an annotation and export it it, then subsequently I improve/extend the annotation and re-export it, how does the next tool in the chain know this annotation is from the same source note? The source document title, for example, isn’t necessarily and reliably unique. That’s how and why I want to use the UID – so I can locate and identify such source files that were created in MarginNote, and then reside in Tinderbox.
Put another way: If you are open to the fact that user’s may export their data, how are they helped by not giving them (read-only) access to UID values?
Here’s a reference file on Tinderbox ID attributes for UID’s.
I hope that’s helpful, and that MarginNote can provide users with UID values so we can better use MarginNote-created export files. Thank you.
BTW, I have to import MarginNote-created files to iThoughts X, and then export them in an OPML format for Tinderbox to use because MarginNote hasn’t yet created a CSV export format. Many of us are still hoping MarginNote can create that export feature in the future.
I’m happy to answer any additional questions you have on this or any other issues that I’ve raised. All of us want to see MarginNote to improve over time, and are committed to helping make that happen.
Thank you.