We has verified all your demands with tags as what MAESTRO does. We think these things could be achieved with MN’s AppleScript API. Now we are looking for testers who got experiences with AppleScript. And help us check what the API could do or optimize.
On the other hand, two tags system is on the way. First we will try to achieve sub tags which I have mentioned in your other thread.
Best Regards,
Beta Testing for Open Interface of Automation and Extension Looking for Participants!
Join Right Now: Extstester - Marginnote
JavaScript is regarded as extension technology, while Shortcuts and AppleScript as automation technology.
The good news is that MarginNote will support AppleScript from version 3.6.5, which is already in the development process and well on track(3.6.4 will be skipped in all probability). Currently, we plan to recruit several community members who understand the AppleSc…
Data exporting is the primary concern. We are looking for testers who got experiences with AppleScript. And help us check what the API could do or optimize. Please click the link to join: Extstester - Marginnote