Focus mode

Focus mode

The role of focus mode

Focus mode is an important way for MarginNote 3 to manage brain maps with massive nodes (1000+)

Focus mode can be used to manage a large BrainMap into many areas to improve our loading and editing speed.

How to use focus mode

  • In the studying module → enter the notebook → open the brain map interface → click the card to enter the focus mode → select “focus” in the pop-up toolbar to enter the focus mode

  • To exit focus mode, click the address bar at the bottom to exit

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It looks like with the new Children MindMaps functionality, the adress bar in the bottom of text has disappeared. Any other way to exit focus mode, or just climb one level of the map?



You can go back to main mindmap here:


or double click the empty area to go back to its father level.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

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