Here are 5 things to consider when you want to copy Apple đź“’ notes to MN at iPad

By the way; I may not be able to explain problem clearly ; the problem rises here copying -one- Apple note all (when we select “select all” button in apple notes app),
Including handwriting, pictures, text with hashtags.
Not just multiple image in once.
We want the copy notes easily.
Unfortunately there are so buggy process we have now.

If Apple notes would let the users (for example; share all the notes in “one” pdf, ) than I ll never asked this specialty from team. Because MarginNote is so good when you have a pdf.
Unfortunately (for pdf way); you have to covert every note to pdf separately if you want to use your Apple notes with different app- and that will cost me 150 pdfs (because I have 150 notes in apple), different app for combine them and so much effort for capturing every note again for screening my notes in mind map…

If we can ease the process of carry notes to a MarginNote “”without pdf””; lots of users can begin to use MN as a note taking app.

I really like to use MarginNote as a note taking app, only problem is hardness of carrying content.

Maybe in future, as the note taker users rise, there will be better integration for apple notes-MarginNote.

Thank you for considering again.