How best to archive MarginNote-annotated files?

Thank you for your reply, @Lanco_Support-Team I think you might be conflating two things that me and others have been discussing in two different posts, namely: (1) how MarginNote users need some way to archive our PDF files after we’re done annotating them – i.e., offline, and not connected to the iCloud / MarginNote file & notebook management structure while still be able to use MarginNote-created URLs, and (2) the HASHTAG WORKFLOW via KEYBOARD MAESTRO that @jprint laid out.

@jprint’s HASHTAG WORKFLOW uses KEYBOARD MAESTRO. But what I’ve requested, and what other users have been begging for, is the ability to archive our annotated PDF files offline (again, while still be able to use MarginNote-created URLs so that clicking them refers right back to that section of annotated text) has nothing to do with KEYBOARD MAESTRO at all.

I’m afraid I don’t have the technical prowess, or familiarity with python SDK, to weigh in on this. I’ll do my best to respond if you can give me a clear explanation about the ultimate effect of this approach.

I’ve looked at this video several times, but I’m afraid I don’t quite follow what you’re doing – or seeking to do. I fear part of my confusion is a result of the Chinese characters. I certainly understand that we’re both doing our best to bridge the language gap, so I really do appreciate your effort. But I’m just not quite following what you’re doing in the process, as expressed in the video. Again, if you’re able to clarify it a bit more, I’ll do my best to give you helpful feedback.

Just let me know how you’d like to proceed whenever possible, and thank you again for your hard work and assistance.