i wonder how users or developers or anybody CİTE as they are using only MN ?
(((((after the mind map is exported as word (docx file)))))))))
No feedback my very old post
it seems like no one is using Mn as referange manager
i wonder how users or developers or anybody CİTE as they are using only MN ?
(((((after the mind map is exported as word (docx file)))))))))
No feedback my very old post
it seems like no one is using Mn as referange manager
You can check out this workflow forum article https://bbs.marginnote.com.cn/t/topic/20827
Kind Regards,
Support Team
WHY it is not english ? especially the videos inside it ?
is it workeble with ipad os ?
This workflow cannot be used on an iPad
Kind Regards,
Support Team
i wont ask as when.
at least can you make a small video or screen share about how you create citation and bibiliography with MN BUT ENGLİSH explanation on mac ?
for example start with basic citation and export the word document and finalize with edits
so as a english know users understand how you make it !
it is so important subject
unfortunatelly i got only ipad
and i want to still keep using ipad but make citations as well.
is there any workaround or solution ?
No, even zotero cannot be referenced on ipad
Kind Regards,
Support Team
Can’t you make simple video ?
İf i find easy i LL buy MacBook and start over
even jenni ai can take the biblography from ipad !!!
u just upload pdf, it find automaticly the refence of paper with ai tools.
you can conncet office 365 to mendeley account and upload your pdf s as well on ipad
you can use endnode with ipad
and so on…
you are not just trash when talking with customers you are also black illiterate when it comes the finding excuses !