I have an old iPad for now, but I am planning to buy a new one soon in order to use Stage Manager (and for other reasons of course). is it possible to have the pdf reader of MN viewable on the iPad Screen and the entire Mindmap on the external monitor?
I don’t even know if it is currently possible so please tell me.
This would be a game-changer because obviously it is better to show large mindmaps on a big screen, but at the same time it makes more sense to read and manipulate the pdf file (that I will highlight, mark it up, and select text from it in order to create my mindmap elements) on the iPad screen. (to control the mindmap on the other big screen I would simply use an external mouse).
Would like to hear from you and to know if you are planning to implement this feature soon.
It can be achieved, and it can be displayed on the big screen on the iPad. You can try turning off automatic jumping in other windows and then opening MN split screen to see if it meets your requirements.
i m using mn with stage manager almost 1 year, it is so nice but
they didnt imlement the feature of mouse scroll zooming which is necessary and so important for FLUİD İNTERFACCE