Linking the cards

Linking the cards

Use link between cards

Select a card in the BrainMap or outline interface, or a note in the document interface

→ Click “Link” in the pop-up toolbar

→ Then drag the “:link:” symbol above the card to be linked → The color of the card frame changes

→ Release the drag and the two cards are linked

Three interfaces can be linked to each other (outline :link: mind map :link: document)

The whole flow of gif in the brain map interface

Operation example in outline interface

The entire process gif in the document interface

The entire flow of the brain map interface to the document interface gif


The entire process gif in the document interface

Operation example in outline interface

The whole flow of gif in the brain map interface

Not available in focus mode. If dragged into a frame, a link is established with the frame.

→ Create a link with a new card

→ Then drag the “:link:” symbol in the blank space of the brain map to display “New”

→ Click “Link” in the pop-up toolbar

Select a card in the brain map or outline interface, or a note in the document interface

the link mode

The entire process gif

→ Drag the card in the cerebellum map to the card, blank space or document note where you want to create a link

“Copy mode” (no link generation)

“Two-way link mode” (both cards generate links)

“One-way link mode” (only links to searched cards)

→ In the pop-up interface, select the link mode:

→ Click the “:link:” symbol in the upper right corner of the pop-up cerebellum

→ Click on the found notes

In the learning module, [Search all brain map notes using “:mag:”]

Remove link between cards

Click on the link line in the mind map to choose to delete the bidirectional or unidirectional link

delete the bidirectional link

delete the unidirectional link

There are no link lines in the mind map, or the link is not edited in the mind map

→ Enter the card edit box, click “Edit Comment” at the bottom

→ Delete the linked note to unlink the current card to another card.

The link from another card to this card needs to be deleted from the card edit box of another card.

The entire process gif