Margin note new version

When we can expect Margin note 4?

Sorry Adi, but what reason is behind this question? If I have a problem using MN or found a bug I appreciate a fast answer as probably I want to proceed with my work.
Waiting for a new version only makes sense to me if I urgently need a feature not present now (but announced to be there). Without this background asking for “a new version” seems to me to be rather thoughtless.

@hermannkm, I believe this may help you understand why some of us are getting increasingly curious:

Posted in Sep 2020 by Lanco_Support-Team Product Manager in another thread of this forum:

"We are working on a new software based on the latest features of IOS14, with Pencilkit natural gesture scribbling, improved note data structure, system files integration and sidebar, we are calling it marginsketch.

We are also trying to improve some of the problems with MarginNote by refactoring MarginNote 4, the old framework and data structure makes some changes difficult to make, we will try our best to fix the existing shortcomings of MarginNote 3 as much as the framework allows, including sync, file management, tagging and filtering, etc"

I am in the trial mode and obviously not super excited to pay for something that was deemed unfixable two years ago!

And I would like to add: the app looks promissing but I find it hard to understand the workings, some detailed documentation would be great. It is hard to believe that some team works so hard to have their app up and going but cares so little how users will be able to use it to its full potential.

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@iumbra – thanks for this clarification. I did not know this as I am using MN only since a few month (happily as I wrote elsewhere). Now I understand the talk about “version 4” which has a very specific meaning – which I clearly missed with my answer.
Reading your citation I have to admit that these points indeed are something to think about…
About documentation I agree with you (wrote this somewhere), screenshots with from Chinese version show there is much work to do. Like all I managed to understand very much, especially url-linking to other applications.

Hello, are we talking weeks, months or years, please? Because MarginnNote 4 was announced to be on the way back in the autumn 2020. Could you please share the roadmap?

When you talk about roadmap or future of MarginNote, only thing that you can face is hopeless team members (not all of them) and ban of talk to make this topic silent.


Any update guys…? Regarding MN4 timeline

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Any updates?

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Any hope…?

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Didn’t get any update till now

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We can hope only. Fingers crossed

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Guys, we would love to hear what/when/any progression regarding MarginNote 4, if u guys share with us.

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I agree …

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Same as it ever was…

So is there any update on what’s happening with MarginNote 4? What features are being added or worked on? Release date. Anything?

Since it’s so vague I don’t feel comfortable purchasing MN 3 on my other devices until MN 4 is out because what if it takes more than 6 months and I have to repurchase it?

Are 8 months enough time to announce your plans?

This may be an unpopular opinion:

It’s actually very common among application developers not to share their plans for new releases in advance. DevonThink and many other successful applications are no different.

We can keep asking but there’s no point in becoming passive-aggressive. It is what it is and complaining won’t change anything.

You may be from support team with fake account :smirk:

These words smells familiar



I appreciate the humor @isaatalay42 :smiley:

However, rest assured that I am just a regular user and have no affiliation with MarginNote.

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