Conservative MarginNote team member about Windows version

How much years passed? Seven ? Eight?.. We still haven’t windows and android versions.

Why ? Why ? Do u still think you have reasonable excuses to stall customers?

If you can’t make it, then GIVE MONEY to ones who can make it for you, after one year, your sales doubles anyway !!!

If u dont enough money, then open campaign for it
I ll be the one who share money for it !!!

Make it or HAVE IT MADE !!! Dont create excuses, We ALL TIRED



hello!If you reallly need MN3 in windows,and if you can understand Chinses,this is my advice in Chinese forum 关于如何在win上优雅地使用MN - 领域最佳实践分享 - MarginNote 中文社区.

Can t you write in English this topic ? @kerajoson

I have rewriteit How to use MN3 in windows
(not very good at English :rofl:)

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Why u dont get help from the İT group of forum?

Why you just open the charity that help you to install the windows app.?

What is the reason behind u dont even get help to make this beauty on windows?

How long we have to wait?

At the end your sales will be double!!! (in worst condition)

Who is responsible for this unsuccessful story.


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I totally agree. I find it much more important (as well as more profitable) to make MN3 for Windows rather than working on the new MN4. Please review your plans guys! @Support-Team

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Unpopular opinion follows:

Windows-related development is not a question about will, and at the moment our team can't do this thing.

"reasonable excuses to stall customers" We never promised anything like that.

A significant amount of work will be invested in that Windows project, AFAIK more than any currently-existing work we have done. Maybe even more than all current things we are working on combined.

It’s an impossible project.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

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I m sure Min Sun will soon offer you better ‘‘unpopular way’’ to stall your journey dude.

You ll never get the right point with this talk.

You are shame of this beautifull app by creating worst team ever.