Suggested export formats for MN3

That’s a terrific suggestion!

Personally, I work with an approach in which I annotated in MarginNote, export annotated PDF documents into DEVONthink Pro (for storage and to utilize some of their AI tools) and also export the MarginNote-created annotations themselves (with their corresponding hashtags) into Tinderbox (via an export first to iThoughtsX, and then an export from there into an OPML format) where I use Tinderbox’s tools to build a database around the discrete MN-created annotations w/ hashtags.

After that process, I export the MN-created annotations w/ hashtags from Tinderbox into Scrivner.

That’s why I requested that MarginNote bring back, and improve, some of their PDF export features.

And, as part of that inter-app process, I’ve also made suggestions for improved hashtag organization & functionality in MN3.

Hope that’s helpful!

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