Unable to update syncs between platorms

Ok, thanks.

@Lanco_Support-Team – I understand that “The first issue is a non-important display bug since everything is fine background.” That’s good to know. But it’s concerning for users since the displayed number of annotations – and the discrepancies that we’re seeing for the same file(s) in Documents and Study (i.e., the “non-important display bug”) – because it helps us to determine which file has the most current number of annotations, and correspondingly if our MN3 syncs are actually working (i.e., properly updating across platforms). Make sense?

Of course, we’d be happy to hear about other ways you and @marginnote would suggest we could better make those kinds of evaluations. Please do let us know.


Also, when will @marginnote be fixing the other issue I mentioned, and spelled out for @Sushi_Support-Team (above), regarding the problems with MN3 folders, and their contents, not properly syncing?
