Best app for organizing MN hashtags?

I couldn’t have said it better. Thanks so much for spelling this out so thoughtfully, @mobo.

I’d add a few things…

-Some of us also work as reporters and journalists, which means we need to both read & organize our MarginNote-produced annotation and notes quickly. Like other users here, I’ve recommended MarginNote to many of my colleagues. Some like it; others feel that it’s exports, and inability to quickly access and analyze the data are too cumbersome and glitchy. So, @Lanco_Support-Team, we really are trying to bring attention to various issues that we, your devoted MarginNote users really need – and future users demand before they buy into you app;

-As part of that, MarginNote users really need some the various things that @mobo and I have mentioned here, along with @JournoProf, to better help us search and organize our notes;

-By extension, some of us have made some relatively simple suggestions for adding features like a"Find Next" function;

-I’ve mentioned in other posts that MarginNote users also really need better Exports; right now, they’re far too glitchy and demand a lot of clean up. That adds a lot of work to using MarginNote, and in some ways it feels like the Export functions in MN3 have worsened since MarginNoteX. For instance, I used to use MarginNote’s iThoughts exports, and then transform those notes to OPML – but that not longer works. Also, it sure seems like there are more limited MN3 PDF export options, which is something else many users have flagged. This is a really, really important feature request for many of us since it would enable us to store PDF files after annotating them in MarginNote – so we can then expunge them, and then import and annotate another set of documents; without proper PDF export controls, it’s hard to properly export and archive these files. Make sense?

-As @mobo said, many of MarginNote’s devoted used often use the annotated notes in…

And that’s why some many of us have requested that MarginNote create an UID in annotated files;

I think that covers many of the big things that many of the most devoted MarginNote users have been requesting, and addressing here. We hope you’ll consider these requests! Thanks so much…