Insert deep links from ios, e.g. Obsidian, in MarginNote3 formatted body text, Markdown?

Unfortunately, I can only insert a full-length obsidian link. This takes up a lot of space in the continuous text and is visually confusing. iOS deep links work. It’s a formatting thing. I tried using the Officially Supported Markdown Plugin. And that would be the optimal solution for me, since I use Markdown anyway. With standard formatting, i.e. linking to a website, the plugin works very well, e.g. An Internal Link. If you add an obsidian link instead of the external link (obsidian://open?vault=My%20second%20Brain&file=Inspiration%20-%3E%20Idee%20%F0%9F%92%A1%20-%3EMetohoden%20- %3E%20Guide%F0%9F%94%A3%2FDocumentation%20-%3E%20Guide%20-%3E%20portfolio%20%E2%80%93%3E%20Project work), nothing happens. Is there a way or a workflow to get the problem under control as quickly as possible?

A solution without markdown would also be great.



Did you paste the link into the card? Would you please upload some screenshots or videos describing it in detail? That way I can help you better.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

I have the same problem. How can I attach a link to some word in the comments section of a Mindmap node? There is no command to do this. I am using callback-urls for craft which look similar to the obsidian links posted previously. Inserting these links works but this is really ugly.

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Deep Links (URL-Schemes) are working differently/not at all if card is in edit mode or not. Standard Markdown links with this type of content work when shown in full text, do not work when Link text is different.


Maybe it is unrelated to subject but do u use title link function properly ?
How do u implement your workflow?

I am not using title link in this study notebook (there are no selected and even if I switch it off the behavior ist the same).
My workflow involves linking from some apps like craft into marginnote and vice versa, that is I use links from craft and e.g. obsidian into marginnote.
Both types of link work wonderfully (which I can not praise enough) but my problem is how to write such links in Marginnote: as I wrote and demonstrated in my video the only way to make such links work is to copy them in full text into comments section. No other way, especially not markdown seems to work.

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Hi Hermann, I also tried the Markdown plugin. At first I had the impression that the formatting fell apart within the plugin. Meanwhile the plugin doesn’t show up at all in the small windows on the right side. And I really need such linking. However, to DevonThink. This just has to work. I have written another post here to this Topic. Have you had any other experience with the linking?

So slowly the thing annoys me, because it is really about essential function here. After all, I paid, for the iOS and OS X version and invested a lot of time and energy in using MarginNote 3 over the while. It would be great if the developers could take heart and make these small improvements. It stops everything in its tracks a lot. After all, my job is to write papers, not to use software to help me do it.

Hi Croctopus,
I agree fully and have stated this in this forum at more than one place.
I need „deep linking“ too in my workflow, in fact I dump every tool which does not support this (notion, e.g.).
For now I am working without any markdown plug-in as I found none of them reliable (and cumbersome to use).
What does work (for me) is using standard editor and pasting the links in full text which is incredibly ugly (but the links are easy to find :D.).

I want to emphasise that Marginnote 3 is incredibly full of features, working with it I find new possibilities almost everywhere, e.g. working with mindmap layers and reference copies - try to do this (with graphics) in any other note taking application…

So please developers tidy up the editor for mindmap nodes, shouldn’t be so hard!

BTW there are other apps which are trying hard to deliver apps which are graphically oriented. They do not have the same richness of features until now but they will catch up. I will stay with MN as long as possible but I agree that this is annoying.


I can handle MarginNote very well by now. And as far as mindmapping is concerned, the developers have actually put restrictions in exactly the right place, so that you are forced into a certain hierarchy. If there is no development in terms of deep links with MarginNote, I will go back to ithoughts in combination with DevonThink Pro. With DevonThink you can only link single pages, but that can be compensated with underline. You can also provide links to the pages, so that there is a backlink for the mindmap. Then I am not far away from MarginNote. Markdown works perfectly in ithoughts. DevonThink is a perfect database, not hard to use at all, and support and development are incredible for a small company. The consistency and seriousness of this company also appeals to me. Converting printed documents to digital readable documents and Boolean search are a killer combination. Add to that my iPhone, which scans documents with FineReader (ABBY).

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Agree on iThoughts, one of my favourite tools: merging with MN would be my dream app. Ditto DT(Pro). Working on iPad I switched to MN. BTW are boolean operators possible for searching in MN?

BTW means what ? :slight_smile:
Boolean operators work in DevonThink, DevonThink to go and DevonAgent. My favorite operator is NEAR/10. Before the operator you simply enter the search word, the number after the slash indicates how far the second word is from the first. This is very good when you want to search through many PDFs. With the amount of data I have, Marginote would take several hours, where DevonThink did the search in a few seconds. In the manual you can find all Boolean operators. I do not use all of them.

I was just about to suggest a workflow. Yesterday I copied a deeplink from DevonThink directly into MN and dragged and dropped it into a panel.then I clicked on the link and immediately the correct PDF page opened in DT. Today the whole thing is already not working. It is crazy :face_with_head_bandage:
Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-15 um 18.10.02

@Croctopus: :sweat_smile: hab mir angewöhnt BTW zu schreiben wenn ich „Übrigens“ meine. Was sonst? Grüße aus Tirol!

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